Alexandra Sarasá
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About me:
PhD in Social Communication from the Methodist University of São Paulo (2018) with the thesis "Media, Religion and Women in boundary situations: from victimization to overcoming". Master in Communication by the Methodist University of São Paulo (2008). Professor of Journalism at the Methodist University of São Paulo since 2011, where teaches practical subjects related to digital journalism and long form reporting; one of the teacher-editors on the Rudge Ramos Online portal, produced by journalism students. Journalist since 1995, acting as a reporter and editor in the areas of tourism, culture, sustainability and economy. Produces strategic planning and development of journalistic content for communication agencies and corporate publications. Graduated in Journalism from Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (1995) and specialist by the Universidad de Navarra (Spain), in Scientific Journalism and New Communication Technologies (2000).
Author of the book Mulheres sobre Rodas (Geração Editorial, 2008), where she tells the experiences lived in years of work as a reporter for the tourism guide Guia Quatro Rodas, travelling around Brazil. Author of the digital book Cozinha de afeto - Stories and recipes of twelve immigrant women in Brazil (Editora Alpendre, 2015), in which 12 immigrant women tell the stories of their lives through the ingredients of their countries of origin and memories of family meals. (facebook: cozinhadeafeto). In 2016, Cozinha de afeto was elected the best Digital Gastronomy e-book in Brazil and the second best in the world in international competition: Gourmand Best in the World, promoted by Gourmand International.
Author of illustrated guide-book Nossas Senhoras do Brasil (Editora Pólen, 2017), which brings together the main churches dedicated to Mary in Brazilian capitals, stories and prayers from 33 representations of Our Lady
(facebook: nossassenhorasdobrasil). Member of the research group MIRE (Media, Religion and Culture), from INTERCOM.
Works with the International Relations Advisory in the coordination and leadership of exchange teams that foster projects and studies with students and teachers of the institution (Spain -2017; Poland - 2018; China-2019 - 2020)
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